Stains are a fact of life. And unfortunately, some are significantly tougher than others.
Luckily, most stubborn marks can be removed with the appropriate products – and a little bit of elbow grease. At Biozet Attack, we’ve put together some of our top tips and tricks to get rid of any awkward stains so you can keep wearing the clothes you love, day after day. Read on to discover the best everyday methods to use when you’re faced with a particularly tenacious stain, no matter the origin.
Most stains will always offer some clues as to their provenance. Take a good look at your garment; where is the stain located? Does it have a particular colour or even smell? You may have to flex your investigative muscles for this step, but it is the most efficient way to understand which stain removal method will work best for you. For front-facing stains the culprit is most likely a food or makeup product, but these can also spread to the seat of the garment too. Underarm and inner-collar stains tend to be due to perspiration, and a quick smell of the clothing can also help you determine. These can easily be remedied with an odour-eliminating detergent. When it comes to bleach stains, you’ll usually find them at waist level, and oil marks at car door levels.
Figuring out a stain’s origin is the first step in its removal. This said, unidentifiable stains will pop up when you least expect them, and getting rid of them can prove to be a challenge. If you’re truly stumped as to the stain’s origin, a 30-minute cold soak in a bowl or bucket of water is always the best place to start. If the mark persists, you can treat it with a traditional stain remover or washing powder prior to laundering it on your usual setting. Most importantly you want to make sure you always use the most gentle method first, and avoid using bleach as it can aggravate your stain. Be wary that, when combined with oxygenated bleach, it can cause a dangerous chemical reaction (resulting in nausea, headaches and worse).
Prior to undertaking any kind of stain removal, make sure your garments can withstand the treatment. Checking the care label will tell you what the best cleaning methods are for your clothes, and if they should be reserved to dry-cleaning only. For machine-washable clothes with tough stains, give Biozet Attack PLUS Stain Power a go.
When faced with stained white laundry, it can be very tempting to reach for the bleach. While bleach is indeed a powerful agent, often it can worsen the marked garment leaving a set yellowed stain instead. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural alternative to bleach, with whitening properties that make it a go-to stain remover for your whites. To lift the stain, mix three parts hydrogen peroxide with 1 part laundry liquid and let it sit on the mark for at least 20 minutes. Give the clothing item a good rinse before washing it on a regular cycle.
When it comes to lifting tough stains from coloured garments, why not try white vinegar. Gentle enough to be used on most fabrics, white vinegar will safely and efficiently remove even the most ingrained stains. Simply mix one part white vinegar with one part water in a bowl and soak your garment for 30 minutes before laundering.
At Biozet Attack, we understand that time is of the essence. That’s why we’ve developed products that are guaranteed to get you an exceptional clean, every time – so you never have to worry about a second wash.
There’s nothing worse than taking out a freshly washed load of laundry and finding it still reeks of a bad odour. Whether you’re dealing with sweat odour, animal smells, or anything else, learning the best techniques on how to treat it will get your clothes smelling fresh and new in no time.
There’s nothing worse than taking out a freshly washed load of laundry and finding it still reeks of a bad odour. Whether you’re dealing with sweat odour, animal smells, or anything else, learning the best techniques on how to treat it will get your clothes smelling fresh and new in no time.