When it comes to dealing with tough stains, there are a variety of solutions to solve any laundry dilemma. But which methods are the most effective? Read on to find out about the best dirt-busting detergents.
It can be confusing to find the appropriate detergent for your particular stain removal needs, especially when dealing with stains of various origins. Luckily, dealing with mud stains doesn’t have to be a headache. Most mud stains are best dealt with when dry, which means you don’t need to worry about using complex chemicals or homemade solutions. A liquid detergent or stain remover should do the trick perfectly and, if you have a particularly ingrained mark, this will do all the heavy lifting. Red mud marks may require a slightly different method; pre-treating with liquid dish soap left overnight and a gentle scrub prior to laundering will get your clothes looking fresh again in no time.
Selecting the right detergent for your clothes will depend on a variety of factors, including the origin of the stain you’re looking to treat and the fabric of your clothing. When dealing with protein-based stains – like sweat or blood – your best bet is to opt for an enzymatic detergent as the enzymes in the detergent will act with those in the stain, causing them to lift.
For tougher ingrained stains, a good quality stain remover will be helpful to pre-treat your laundry. When combined with a liquid detergent, your stain should quickly lift. Liquid detergents are also particularly useful when treating isolated stains, as they dilute easily and act quickly.
Bleach-based detergents are great at whitening laundry but be careful; bleach products tend to cause any existing stains to set and, once done, the marks are irreversible.
Understanding how detergents and soaps work helps to better comprehend their importance in your laundry routine. It’s also worth noting that, although the two have similar results, they act slightly differently.
Laundering detergents work by creating a chemical reaction that breaks down dirt and debris from the fabric of your clothes. Because of their oilier chemical composition, they can also hold on to fragrance a little longer, giving your clothes that lovely fresh linen smell. It’s important to opt for a quality detergent to get the very best cleaning action from each cycle and keep your clothes looking and smelling their very best.
Soaps behave in a different manner due to their specific molecular construction. Rather than breaking down the dirt, soap molecules trap it and get washed away during a rinse cycle. While detergents and soaps are both very effective, it’s important to understand what you want to use each product for before applying, to make sure you’re not causing any unnecessary damage to the fabric of your clothing or its composition.
Biozet Attack is proud to have developed a range of trusty, stain-targeting liquid detergents and powders to help you keep your wardrobe looking crisp. Whether you’re fighting mud stains or something a little more stubborn, give Biozet Attack PLUS Stain Power a try to get your clothes back to their best.
There’s nothing worse than taking out a freshly washed load of laundry and finding it still reeks of a bad odour. Whether you’re dealing with sweat odour, animal smells, or anything else, learning the best techniques on how to treat it will get your clothes smelling fresh and new in no time.
There’s nothing worse than taking out a freshly washed load of laundry and finding it still reeks of a bad odour. Whether you’re dealing with sweat odour, animal smells, or anything else, learning the best techniques on how to treat it will get your clothes smelling fresh and new in no time.