An active lifestyle can leave your clothes looking and feeling less than fresh. Perspiration, food stains, inexplicable discolouration; your wardrobe goes through a lot. Luckily, even the most stubborn stains can be treated and removed with the correct products. Pick up a bottle of Biozet Attack PLUS Stain Power to treat stubborn stains even in the toughest of conditions.
Most stains are made up of proteins, which is why they mark your clothes and carpet. Protein-based stains, like sweat, can be particularly tricky to remove once set, so the key is to take action quickly. When you first notice a protein stain, soak it in cold water right away and treat it with an enzyme-based detergent. Rinse it well and then let it air dry before wearing again.
While treating a fresh stain is significantly easier, there are solutions for dealing with older stains. When it comes to old sweat marks, white vinegar is a natural alternative to treat stains. Apply directly to the stain and launder with an enzyme-based detergent. To remove stains from white shirts and other light fabrics, mix equal parts baking soda, water and hydrogen peroxide to create a paste, and apply it directly to the stain. Let it sit for an hour before washing.
When it comes to old, set stains, sweat isn’t the only culprit. Our fast-paced lives leave our clothes vulnerable to blemishes from all over, and it can be hard to notice them straight away. Spots and spills happen more often than we’d like to admit, and this is especially true for young families and pet owners.
For most dried stains, including tea and coffee, the best course of action is an initial cold soak. Pretreating the garment with stain remover or a stain-targeting detergent will help lift the stain prior to laundering. For any protein-based stains, an enzymatic detergent will do all the heavy lifting.
While it may be tempting to use a bleach-based detergent, this isn’t always the best solution for your garment, as it can leave it permanently yellowed. Once a garment has been bleach-stained, it cannot be treated.
There’s nothing worse than finding a dark stain on a white clothing item. Be it your favourite dress, or a trusty jacket, you want to preserve the lighter items in your wardrobe to the best of your ability. When it comes to treating stained whites, you want to start by blotting up as much of the stain as possible. Be careful to dab the item and avoid rubbing, as this will further ingrain the stain. Flushing the stain with cold water will help remove any excess pigmentation, and will also help activate the cleaning agents in your detergent or washing powder. Next, place a few drops of liquid detergent onto the area and gently scrub with an old toothbrush or other soft-bristled brush until you start seeing results. Rinse thoroughly with cold running water, then wash as usual in warm water using a mild detergent. After washing and drying, repeat these steps if necessary until no more colour remains on your garment. This method works particularly well for coffee or tea-stained whites.
Biozet Attack’s specially formulated stain-targeting detergent acts quickly and effectively to remove even tough stains from your clothes. Rediscover your wardrobe and revive your stained clothes with the Biozet Attack range today.
There’s nothing worse than taking out a freshly washed load of laundry and finding it still reeks of a bad odour. Whether you’re dealing with sweat odour, animal smells, or anything else, learning the best techniques on how to treat it will get your clothes smelling fresh and new in no time.
There’s nothing worse than taking out a freshly washed load of laundry and finding it still reeks of a bad odour. Whether you’re dealing with sweat odour, animal smells, or anything else, learning the best techniques on how to treat it will get your clothes smelling fresh and new in no time.