When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle many people tend to focus on leading active lives, and hygiene regimens are quick to be overlooked. But a core part of maintaining our health is limiting exposure to bacteria and germs, and making sure we deal with those efficiently. We’ve put together some methods to keep your clothes germ-free, and how to incorporate anti-bacterial products into your laundry routine.
Our clothes are our armour to the outside world. And armour gets dirty. Garments harbour a large number of germs on a daily basis and, while most of these germs are relatively harmless, some can have rather nasty effects on our health. Bacteria such as E-coli can survive on common household objects, like tea towels, and propagate when stored in laundry hampers. These germs, responsible for diarrhoea and a whole host of nasty illnesses, thrive in damp, dark environments and can survive for weeks. The biggest culprit in terms of clothing is underwear as it comes into contact with sensitive parts of the body. Childrenswear is also particularly liable to carrying germs as kids tend to interact with a variety of environments.
Minimising the spread of bacteria is important, particularly if a member of the household has been unwell or exposed to harmful germs. Using a detergent the remove bacteria ensures that your clothes leave the washing machine as clean as possible. It’s equally important to set your machine to hot water, such as a 60-degree cycle, as germs cannot survive at this temperature.
A large part of keeping your clothes clean is to store them correctly. Keeping dirty and soiled clothes away from clean garments is the best way to prevent germs from spreading. If you prefer to use a dirty laundry hamper to separate your clothing, make sure to empty it regularly as germs thrive on damp textiles.
We understand that laundry can be a chore for most; sorting through clothes and organising them accordingly is a meticulous job. But it’s essential to resist the temptation to leave your clothes to rest in the washer or dryer. Germs and bacteria love moist environments and, despite its cleaning function, the washing machine is a prime spot for them to multiply and spread.
Unpleasant smells can be an unwelcome side effect of dirty or badly washed clothes. The key to shifting these unwelcome smells is to use an effective and quality detergent to do the trick and eliminate any particularly tenacious smells and bacteria with each wash.
Getting rid of nasty germs and bacteria has never been easier with Biozet Attack. With specially formulated stain removers and odour-eliminating detergents, you can keep your family safe and secure. Discover Biozet Attack PLUS Eliminator today, with a unique technology that removes 99.9% of bacteria and germs in every wash.
There’s nothing worse than taking out a freshly washed load of laundry and finding it still reeks of a bad odour. Whether you’re dealing with sweat odour, animal smells, or anything else, learning the best techniques on how to treat it will get your clothes smelling fresh and new in no time.
There’s nothing worse than taking out a freshly washed load of laundry and finding it still reeks of a bad odour. Whether you’re dealing with sweat odour, animal smells, or anything else, learning the best techniques on how to treat it will get your clothes smelling fresh and new in no time.